#271: Clair De Fleur
Today I am featuring an adorable new outfit from Clair De Fleur... a new collaboration between Clair De Lune and Wildflowers! This outfit...

#269: Spring Has Sprung
Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year and the current kids events are featuring some of the cutest clothing and accessories to...

#260: Cry Baby
Today I bring you the most adorable outfit from Clair de Lune which is now available at Color Me Cute! This outfit is from a gacha for...

#256: Cosmic Heart
I just can't with this adorable outfit from Clair De Lune! How adorable am I right now?! This is probably my favorite outfit that is out...

#239: Winter Rose
Clair De Lune has the cutest gacha set up at Color Me Cute! The Winter Rose coats are perfect for the season and are available in two...

#235: Candy Cane Hearts
What I Am Wearing: Dress: {Clair de Lune } Snow Flake Nightie {B} Green @ Ninety-Nine - Comes with Socks! - 3 Holiday sets to choose...

#217: I Love Rainy Days!
As you can probably tell from my last few posts, I am in love with all of the rainy days we have been having lately! Color Me Cute has...

#216: Caught in the Rain
The 15th is probably my favorite day of the month! So many cute events open today and also the Bebe Bundle was released! One event that...

#213: Rain Rain Go Away
"Rain Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day" is just one of the many cute rainy day gestures from Love Bugs at this up coming round of...

#212: Winter is Coming
Winter is coming, and is actually already here on some sims! If it's not snowing where you live yet, it might be soon! So it's time to...