#265: Moving in!
This will be my last blog post until after February 15th due to moving in RL! But I wanted to show you some cute things before my blog...

#260: Cry Baby
Today I bring you the most adorable outfit from Clair de Lune which is now available at Color Me Cute! This outfit is from a gacha for...

#258: Shy Girl
This cute little Lolita outfit by Tiny Trinkets is available now at Color Me Cute! The outfit comes with the socks pictured here and also...

#237: Brrrr!
What I Am Wearing: Top: ~Lazo - Giselle Sweater - FATPACK - This designer sells Fatpacks for the price of one item! One of my favorite...

#185: Cry Baby
Normally I wouldn't claim to be a baby, I am 4 years old! But as my birthday approaches, I realize I am actually getting YOUNGER! Well, I...

#184: Fall Reading
I love fall weather, and I love getting all cozy in my favorite cardigan and reading outside! This gorgeous fall outfit is available now...

#149: I Love School
You know what I love? FATPACKS without the FATPACK price. I say this a lot. Spoiled One Couture has the cutest uniform at Color Me Cute,...

#147: Drawing on the Walls
We are all guilty of doing this at some point... Coloring on the walls! We see that big white empty space, and we don't see a wall... we...

#111: Kawaii Unicorn
Today I went out for a little stroll and came across some Unicorn friends of mine! Luckily I was dressed up as a unicorn myself, so I...

#105: I'd Rather be a Mermaid
I am loving this summer top from Lazy Unicorn, which is now Available at Ninety-Nine. The top comes in 7 different color choices, each...