#191: Sharing is Caring
Check out this cute pose by Tiny Gems! It comes with all the props needed to pose with your favorite big person! I am also in love with...

#178: Gypsy Heart
If you aren't a subscriber to Bebe Bundle... you are really missing out! I just had to show you my favorite outfit in the September box!...

#170: Nose In A Book
Feeling Nerdy? Color Me Cute is all about the nerd life this round! I love this nerdtastic outfit by Tiny Trinkets. The best part is that...

#154: Look of the Day
What I Wore Today: Dress: ~LaZo - Denim Dress - pattern - Baby Shoes: N. Edith Sandals De Lore Hair: Doe: Tasha - Gingers Location: Home...

#149: I Love School
You know what I love? FATPACKS without the FATPACK price. I say this a lot. Spoiled One Couture has the cutest uniform at Color Me Cute,...

#142: Autumn Fairy
I fluttered around a very beautiful sim today, that just so happens to belong to one of my biggest supporters. Miss Adalynne is always...

#140: My Royal Blankie
You are never too old for your favorite security blanket. Today I carried mine around with me everywhere I went! What I Am Wearing: {PB}...

#120: Forest Pixie
Deep in the Neverland forest lives the Forest Pixie. These Pixies live peaceful lives surrounded by nature. Get This Look: Pose:...

#118: Second Star to the Right
The most amazing thing happened today! I traveled to Disneyland, which is amazing in itself, but then there were pixies who came and...

Pokemon Go
I've been pretty obsessed with Pokemon Go since it came out, to the point where I now carry my phone with my everywhere so that I don't...