If you haven't checked out Thimble yet, you really need to hurry your little butt over and check it out! Thimble was formally known as...

#222: Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?
My bestest friend Scarlett joined me today on a snowy sim to build a snowman! Get the Look: Snowman: .gypsy heart. My Snowman - Red -...

#182: Because... Science
I love this nerdy outfit from Sugar and Spice which is available now at Color Me Cute! It's sold as a gacha and has several cute tee...

#153: I Love Recess!
Bricklane Gacha opens on August 20th, and Petite Bowtique has the cutest school theme outfits available to mix and match! Shirts, Bows,...

#113: I'm Totally a Mermaid
I snuck away from camp. Shhh.... don't tell anyone! But I just couldn't resist sneaking down to the beach in my new mermaid romper with...

Camping Squad
Available today at The Brick lane! Everything you will need for your princess camping trip, weather it's out in the forest or in your...

June Bug
Oh my goodness! Check out this cute gacha set from Petite Bowtique! The lady bug butt literally made my mom scream like a goat! You can...

Somebody Feed Me!
It's a running joke in my family that my momma doesn't feed me. And you know what happens when I don't get fed? I get HANGRY! What better...

On My Tip Toes
One of my favorite things to do in SL is dance! And when I am on my Toddleedoo alt, my favorite form of dance is ballet. Which is why I...