#271: Clair De Fleur
Today I am featuring an adorable new outfit from Clair De Fleur... a new collaboration between Clair De Lune and Wildflowers! This outfit...

#169: Gurl Bai
I am really happy to announce that I am not blogging for Gypsy Heart (Previously known as Koalifications.)! Gypsy Heart is a name you...

#168: Hashtag
I am in love with this outfit from Sugar and Spice! It manages to bring tom boy and girly girl together in one outfit. I feel like I am...

#155: Look of the Day
NEW in store release by Petite Bowtique! Three outfits to choose from: Teal/Sunshine, Plum/Sky and Melon/Mint What I Wore Today: Outfit:...

#151: Ingrid In Wonderland
I went back to Ninety-Nine and picked up this adorable Alice In Wonderland inspired outfit by VK!. Love Love Love! I am thinking about...

#137: Head In The Clouds
Today I got a little carried away in my [Oops] Balloon. I tried reaching for the cotton candy clouds. I just wanted to know if they...

#136: If The Crown Fits...
Ninety-Nine is now OPEN! And I've already purchased everything in sight, so you can expect to see several posts about the Ninety-Nine...

#133: Your Royal Highness
Ever want to be Princess, or how about a Queen? I myself am a Princess in training, and I always have my Royal Corgi by my side. Even...

#118: Second Star to the Right
The most amazing thing happened today! I traveled to Disneyland, which is amazing in itself, but then there were pixies who came and...

#112: My Kawaii Pencil
My puppy and I decided that we are gonna write a letter to mommy telling her how much we love her, so that she doesn't miss us too much...