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Summer Camp at the Beach

It's time for summer camping trips to the beach! Oh yeah! Gather all of Your beach gear and head down to the water! Heirloom Treasures has got you covered with this adorable beach gacha coming to the June round of Kid to Kid which opens on June 5th!

What I am Wearing:

Top: *HT* Summer Camp Frill Bikini Top - RARE @ Kid to Kid (Opens June 5th)

Bottoms: *HT* Summer Camp Frill Bikini Bottom - RARE @ Kid to Kid (Opens June 5th)

Bag: *HT* Summer Camp Bag - RARE @ Kid to Kid (Opens June 5th)

Hat: *HT* Summer Camp Sun Hat - RARE @ Kid to Kid (Opens June 5th)

JIAN Beach Corgi from the Arcade June 2016

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