#259: Panda Baby
I know a lot of people who looove pandas! So if you got this month's Bebe Bundle you were in luck! Lazy Unicorn released the most adorable Panda Sweater Exclusively for Bebe Bundle! I matched the sweater up with these cute heart leggings by Buglets which are available now at Color Me Cute! These will be perfect for Valentine's day! But if hearts aren't your thing, they are also available in solid colors!
Featured Items:
Top: [Lazy Unicorn] Panda Sweater - White @ Bebe Bundle January
Bottoms: ~*Buglets*~ TD Cherish Leggings [Hearts-Lilac] @ Color Me Cute
Chair: {Buttercup} Dreamy Chairs - Ellie Dreams RARE @ Color Me Cute
- Gacha, 4 RARES, 8 Commons - 50L per play
Standing Pose: { Bellybean } Static AO Set #3 @ Bebe Bundle January
Also Pictured:
Nails: {Polished} NAILS - Ice Cream @ Color Me Cute
Hair: [monso] My Hair - Jeonso /Red @ C88