#267: Rainy Day Smooches
Today I went shopping with this cute boy who shared his umbrella with me! I couldn't resist smooching his cute little face for being such a gentleman... but now my momma says I have something called cooties and will need lots of shots! Hopefully the cooties won't keep me from blogging!
Get The Look:
Ingrid's Outfit: Paper Damsels - Rainy Day Outfit (Girl) @ Color Me Cute
Complete outfit with HUD for customizing colors and patterns!
- Coat
- Dress
- Boots
- Umbrella
Isaiah's Outfit: <:*BoOgErS*:> Rainy Day Outfit (Boy) @ Color Me Cute
Complete outfit with HUD for customizing colors and patterns!
- Coat
- Shirt
- Jeans
- Boots
- Umbrella
Isaiah's Hair: [BURLEY]_Joe_DarkBrowns
Ingrid's Hair: *barberyumyum*90(pink)
Note: Tinted to be more ginger
Pose: made by me
Location: Muddpuddles